I Endure

I Endure

I am going to leave this time for good.

I pack. I wait.

I Endure.

It is clear. Hurry fill the van. 

I arrive at my location.

There are men nearby.

I cannot carry in my things.

I Endure.

The shivers come. I cannot be far from the bathroom.

My hair is falling out. What is happening to me?

A trauma bond they say.

I Endure.

My consciousness feels like it is drowning.

Up for air. The pain. Intense physical daggers.

Under the water. Emotional trauma. Panic attacks. Flash backs.

On the floor looking up. I know I must return or I will die.

Fantasizing ways to end the pain. Throwing myself off of the deck in a mind loop.

I Endure.

Frantically researching. Verbal Abuse. Covert Narcissism. Sexual Abuse. Financial Abuse.

Hours and hours go by. Days and days. Solitude. 

Stay close to the bathroom. Notice the long strands of hair everywhere.

I Endure.

The Discovery. Thousands stolen. Tens of thousands gambled. All in secret.

Daily lies without flinching. Recognition of pattern of drugs.

Zoom out the lens. Twenty four year cycle of abuse. I did not know. I did not understand.

The want to return is still present. Fight it.

I Endure.

Mediation. Mr. asks for full custody and payment of hidden debts.

My kids have been kept from me. Two will testify against me.

The kids do not know. I send them compassion.

I Endure.

No matter what.


I Endure. 
