Living from the Inside Out Even on Your Birthday

One of the many challenges people face when overcoming narcissist abuse or domestic abuse the ability to move from the inside out. Always. No matter what. This is true even on your birthday. A solution I discovered that has helped me on special days, like a birthday, to be your own source of love and light is to write yourself a birthday card. For example, the card might go something like this

"Happy birthday! I am so proud of the person you have become. You are amazing! You are SO strong. Your strength is an example for all. I am proud of how much trauma you have worked through and all the cruel moments you have endured. You are a brave soul. And yet, you are full of so much love and hope. You are a model of how to live from the inside out and be a source of love, attention, and safety. It is time to shine and let your light be a beacon for all.

I love you,

Remember, you are your own source. You fill your own cup. Anything else is extra. Even on your birthday. 
