I have heard this phrase from people that survived domestic abuse often “I put it in God’s hands”. As a person that survived 24 years of domestic abuse, I would like to share another perspective. I honor my fellow humans and their belief in God. This post is not intended to challenge this belief. Rather, it is an extension of a basic divine concept. I recently reached out to a domestic abuse survivor who had lost contact with her children as a result of going public with the abuse. I am in a similar situation and was interested in strategies she used to cope. She felt her biggest strategy was to put faith in God. I paused. It has been decades since her divorce and she was still struggling. While I believe we should trust in God, the Divine, or Universe once we are aligned within ourselves, I would like to add a thought to this disregard for personal power. Follow me here. If one believes that a human body has a soul, and that soul is from God, then God is within us. If this is the case, then we can make the assumption that we are Divine and putting it in God’s hands is also putting it within our own. In fact, by living from within and utilizing our own power we honor the divine within. Therefore, we should take back the power we gave away in a domestic abuse relationship and take steps to heal ourselves. This means upleveling the trauma from our bodies, creating a support system, and learning to live in alignment. When a person lives from the inside out, they are living their truth. Thus, we are in alignment and then can trust the universe to provide. As Melanie Tonia Evans frequently states, “so within, so without”. Her statement reinforces the universal law that when you honor yourself, the world will honor you as well. Thus, trust can occur because you are aligned with universal law. When this happens, you will know. It is a feeling. Synchronicities also start to pop in your life on a daily basis. Choose to live from within, put your power into your own Divine hands, and trust that the universal, God-like laws will support you moving forward. If your alignment is authentic, it will be known. If not, you may have trauma you need to release or old thinking that needs to be reprogrammed. If this is the case, no worries. It is a blessing to heal and move forward. Invest in yourself and forward progress will happen.