Readers may wonder what it means to live from the inside out. I address this concept in other articles so I am going to minimize it here to focus on how when individuals live from the inside out it has a positive overall impact on their environment. Briefly, to live from the inside out means that your source of safety, love, fun, and happiness comes from within. You are then full from the inside and thus can share your fullness with others. The sharing and receiving with others is in addition to your already full cup and thus your cup over floweth as they say.
So, how does this impact world peace? It is simple. When we are not constantly scanning outside for approval or seeking love and safety from other areas besides ourselves we can minimize the ego and forgo any unnecessary baggage. We find ourselves more at peace. This alone has an impact on our environment. But, let’s not stop there. World peace is a large goal and it will take more than inner peace to solve it. Therefore, in addition to being fully in alignment with ourselves we become more open to sharing and listening to others. This, in turn, leads to more understanding between parties which then increases empathy. Once there is a healthy level of empathy between parties then it is less likely that one party will cause harm to another. If an individual is unwilling to cause their neighbor harm, we have the beginning of world peace. Thus, you have a climate in which an individual chooses a healthy, aligned lifestyle then apply that to their environment through active listening, understanding, and empathy. Each individual has to be responsible for themselves by self monitoring and self regulating. These concepts may seem far fetched. But, what if it wasn’t? What if one person in your neighborhood modeled this behavior and then another? What if we started a trend modeling healthy alignment with ourselves rather than fear and deception? Some readers may be thinking that the Smiths are not going to model healthy alignment so why should I? I can understand that thinking. Let me share another perspective. If one were to make a decision based on what they think the Smiths will do, you are living from the outside in. It does not matter what the Smiths do or do not do. It has no bearing on you whatsoever if you live from the inside out and detach yourself from the perspectives and decisions of others. Here is my question. Do you want world peace? Then start with yourself.