What does it mean to be selfish? We are taught in our society that to think of oneself first is selfish and to be called selfish suggests that you are bad, or at the very least, an inconsiderate person. While there are people among us that reflect true selfish motives, I feel the basic tendency to commit to yourself first is a virtue. To commit to yourself and think of yourself first is to live from the inside out. Thus, you are your own source of love, fun, attention, and safety. Simply put, a responsible, independent adult that tends to their own needs. A parent wants their children to grow into responsible and independent adults so, therefore, a form of selfishness, or thinking of oneself first, should be admired. When one does not think of themself and listens or acts based on the statements of others then the individual gives up their power and is often manipulated. This can then lead to a series of poor and unhealthy decisions, abuse, and situations that can impact families and the community. However, if one acts from a true self center, and is their own source, then they can act from a grounded, healthy state that would thus contribute to a healthy family or community structure. It is important to note that only you know what is best for yourself. You just have to listen to and act on that voice that speaks to you from the inside. Therefore, the next time someone says that you are selfish, pause for a moment and ask yourself if you are acting as your own source or harming others by your actions. If it is the former, then to put yourself first is a virtue. Congratulations!