What is fear? Think for a moment about the last time you were afraid. What caused this feeling for you? Were you surprised by a poisonous snake and thus feared for your life? Were you followed into a dark alley by a stranger? Probably not. More than likely, it was a situation in which your life was not threatened. That is the real necessity of fear, to keep yourself alive. Yet, most of us confess to feeling fear weekly, if not daily. Why do we feel fear when our life is not in danger? Fear is a lack of belief in oneself and your ability to manage situations.
At its root, fear is often in the outcome of a situation and the lack of belief that one can manage it. For example, you might be afraid to speak for yourself in court, have fear that a new friend will not reciprocate, or fail during a work presentation. These examples are not life threatening. Therefore, you should not be afraid. Follow me for a brief moment.
Be mindful the next time you feel fear. Pause. Ask yourself questions and discover the reason behind it. Be reflective and journal. Then, live from the inside out, believe in yourself and watch the fear float away. How? Surrender to the lesson and vibration of that moment. The event is in your life for a reason to teach you something. Surrender and do not fight it. Move forward with the understanding that the fear you feel is in your life for a reason. Learn from it. If you need to ask for help, seek it out. But do not resist the lesson. Check yourself. Do you feel tight? When we are afraid, we often freeze. Breathe into the moment, surrender, live from the inside out and know you are enough. The task at hand is to bring about something better. How do you kill fear? Surrender and believe in yourself.