Why Do Bad Things Happen To Good People? Ask Yourself, Is It Really Bad?

Have you ever experienced a moment when you were on your knees asking how could this happen? Or felt so full of despair that you were vomiting? You might have screamed out loud and wondered how a bad thing could happen to you when you are a good person. Pause for a minute. Did it happen TO you or FOR you? Could it be categorized as bad if it happened FOR you? Maybe not.  I have experienced over 40 years of complex trauma, CPTSD, and instances of singular trauma, or PTSD. If I were to share specific details, one might conclude that these events were bad. However, I left an abusive environment and finally addressed powerlessness, a lack of boundaries, and codependency.  I healed myself on a physical and quantum level. I am now at a place of peace and happiness today. Thus, were the events of the last few decades bad? Or were they good? Perhaps there isn’t a good or bad but rather an opportunity for learning that happened FOR you to grow and evolve as a being. 

Think back to a moment when you were full of despair. Pause. What about that moment or event happened FOR you? Could you at least categorize it as neither good nor bad? Can you look at it through a different lens? It is possible. And it might change your life.
