Have You Ever Wondered Why You Can't Seem to Draw Love Or Money Into Your Life?


Did you ever wonder why you want love or money in your life but it repeatedly does not work out? 

The phrase “you will draw to you what you emit” is a relatively familiar phrase. Yet it elicits confusion.

How can I want  love or money, yet my life is constantly in a state of challenge or flux? If I want it, why

am I not drawing it to me? Let’s take a closer look at this principle.

The introduction of a loving partner in your life is on the minds of most of us. It is a constant concept in society as a whole since a love story is paramount to most TV shows, movies, and social media posts. The partner that most seek is honest, trustworthy, fun, and someone you could build a life with over time. Then why are there those among us that find themselves in failed relationships after another when they so desperately want a successful love life? Simply put, you are emitting other energy besides the desire of a partner. For example, you may emit fear that you are not good enough or a preference for someone to “take care of you”. In these instances, you are giving up all of your power and lack confidence within yourself. You are not aligned with your truth. Thus, others will pick up this vibe and use it to manipulate you. You are in essence attracting lower level folks that are looking for people that emit powerlessness and low confidence so they can take advantage of them.  Therefore, it only makes sense that you will continue to draw these unhealthy individuals in your life when you are emitting an unhealthy love language.

Do you constantly find yourself in a loop of financial distress? Ask yourself, what are you really emitting? If you find yourself in this loop, you may think you are emitting a desire for financial security. But are you? Perhaps you are sending out that you are not worthy of money or that you fear financial responsibility. If this is the case then the universe will respond in kind. Meaning, the universe will not reward you as being worthy of money or give you financial responsibility on which to build a fiscally responsible life. Therefore, healthy financial opportunities will not come into your life until you genuinely address these thoughts and feelings.

Take a moment, reflect, and ask yourself how you really feel about love or money. Then, be metacognitive and think about your thought patterns. What is really going on? It is time for you to be conscious of who you are rather than walk through life aimlessly experiencing challenge after challenge. Rather, become aware and responsible for where you are in your evolutionary process and take a step towards addressing the challenges you chose to face so that you could evolve as a soul and elevate human consciousness. The change you want to see starts with you.
