Our intuition is an integral part of who we are. It is like the arm that you cannot see. Yet, so many people do not listen to the voice in their head that tells them to leave the abusive spouse or get a different job. Why not? Fear. A fear that you might be wrong. Let’s think about this for a moment. If your intuition works for you, then how can it be wrong? It is suggesting steps you should take for YOUR benefit. Another comment that people share is that they are unsure if their intuition is right. Meaning, how do you know the voice inside your head, or that feeling, is right? Fair question. If the voice inside your head is negative, it is the ego and has a different sound to it. For example, if the voice is telling you that you are not good enough to get a new job, that is the ego which fills your mind with fear. It is important to be metacognitive and think about your own thinking. Are your thoughts negative? If so, they are ego and fear based. If they are suggesting a positive course of action, it is most likely your intuition.
Assignment-keep a journal on hand, or jot things down in the notepad on your phone, and log your thoughts. I am aware of the fast paced world we live in so take your phone to the bathroom and quickly denote some thoughts if that works for you. Then, notice which thoughts are negative and ego based and which come from the source within you, your intuition. It is important to look for patterns. After a while, you can change your negative thoughts into positive ones, create your own reality, and watch the positive outcomes arise.