It is easy for those that leave an abusive relationship to look at the situation through a negative lens because it was painful and full of consequences. What if one were to look at the situation through a slightly more positive lens? I can hear your thoughts as you wonder how an abusive relationship could ever be deemed positive? I understand the myriad of rants that are going through your mind right now because they have gone through mine. But wait. Please follow me for a moment. What if life lessons are manifestations of energy that you need to resolve? Think of the abusive person as energy that is not good for you and it was manifested FOR YOU so you could heal a part of yourself. In this scenario, the abusive person in your life was manifested FOR YOU to address and heal a part of yourself. If that is the case, and you learned from it, then the situation was actually a gift for your spiritual growth. What if nothing happens by chance and everything happens for a reason? If so, then challenges are gifts brought to you for a chance to learn and grow. The next time you experience a challenge, ask yourself what am I supposed to learn from it? Why did it happen to me right now? How can it help me grow as a person? If one looks at a situation with positivity and gratitude, even if only on a small scale, it might change how you manage the outcome and your manifestations in the future. Think about it.