We live in an era of selfies, photo filters, makeup tutorials, and the desire to rack up likes on social media. If you think that the categories above do not apply to you, reflect on the last time you looked at your social media notifications or preview the photos on your phone. It is easy to lose ourselves in the culture of living from the outside in. Resist. Resist the temptation to be dependent on elements outside the self. BE the source of your own joy and happiness. Generate fullness from within rather than searching for it from the outside. Those that live from a self generated state of fullness are no longer on the roller coaster of outside living dependent on the whim of others. Rather, they are 100% full within themselves and allow the outside to overflow their cup. In this state of being, one is always happy and full. I am not here to suggest that one cannot partake in the common elements of our contemporary society. I propose that one be in a state of consciousness in which they participate fully present in their own happiness.