Many people find themselves stuck in an endless loop of thoughts. It is like instant replay in which past events are re-lived over and over again. The body cannot differentiate between past and present so the rehashing of old moments can re-traumatize the body or, at the very least, increase the body’s stress response. Therefore, by lunchtime, folks often feel exhausted.
The trip down memory lane becomes a conditioned response that leaves humans feelings stuck in a circle of self torment. Stop. The. Cycle. First, be mindful that you are in a thought loop. It is important to be meta-cognitive and think about your own thinking. Reflect. Journal. Try the Breathe 2 Relax app. Please do whatever it takes to get to the point where you recognize you are in a loop. Then, self-talk your way out of it. Remind yourself that you only have control over this moment. So, control this moment. Choose to stop the train of thoughts. Choose to let go of the past. Choose to look at your present moment from a positive lens. When you choose, you change old thought patterns that have become like super highways in your mind. Instead, make a new 4 lane in this moment that is full of choice, joy, and optimism. Do not let old thought patterns control you. You are in charge!