You Are Not Your Thoughts


Have you ever noticed that you continuously think about the same things over and over? It is like you are stuck in the perpetual loop of shame, fear, and uncertainty. For example, you may have a fear that there will not be enough money in your account to make it until the end of the month. I want to acknowledge that the stress over money is real. However, it is how you think about it that may change the outcome. Do you notice how your body responds when you are stuck in the mind loop? The body does not know the difference between what is happening in the moment and what fear a person has for the future. Meaning, if there is a tiger in front of you or you have a fear of a tiger in your mind, the body reacts the same way. It does not know the difference. The fight or flight response kicks in, all of your energy goes to your limbs and away from your digestive system to prepare your body to defend itself. Think about how often you put your body through this trauma every time you get stuck in a mind loop. Not good. Remember, you are not your thoughts and therefore you can change them. Your mind has been conditioned to think a certain way based on your life experiences. Therefore, your mind may be set about a future experience because of past life events. And, since your mind creates your reality, you could be self sabotaging your life. Stop. You are not your thoughts and therefore you control them. It is important to be aware of your own thinking, stop the loop, and replace it with something different. For example, say “ I have abundance in my life” rather than “ I am afraid I will not have enough money to make it to the end of the month”. Now, I am not suggesting you go on a vacation you cannot afford or that you shouldn’t make responsible decisions with a budget. What I am saying is that you are not your thoughts so stop the negative mind loop and replace it with a genuine, non-fear based positive thought. You will be surprised how much of a difference this makes, especially on your health. It is time to stop beating up your body and creating a negative future. You are not your thoughts. Take. Back. Control.
