The basics of quantum physics is that objects are both particle and wavelength. That means that you, a human, are both particles-or the protons and neutrons you learned about in high school science class- but also wavelength. This is an important concept to consider when thinking about healing. Those that have been exposed to abuse may go through counseling that utilizes cognitive processing therapy, or CPT, which involves changing negative thoughts into positive ideas or otherwise changing behavior. If the abuse had a physical component, there are various strategies to “fix” the human body. However, in both of these instances, the wavelength aspect of the body has not been addressed. CPT, and other brain health modalities, are a necessary part of the healing process. However, they fall short and do not heal the whole patient. If you have suffered from abuse and have been trying to work through challenges for a long period of time and only experienced minimal success with genuine effort, it may be because the wavelength or energetic part of your being has not been addressed. Trauma has to be released from a person’s energetic, or wavelength, body as well in order for full healing to occur. In Eastern medicine, there is an awareness of the energetic properties of the body; there is often a reference to a person’s chakra system as a part of a healing regiment. Those that understand Eastern medicine know that if one of the body’s energy centers is off balance, a person can experience physical symptoms. Quantum physics suggests that a human is both wavelength and particle at the same time. Thus, it makes sense that if one element is blocked then so too would it impact the other. This concept can be applied to healing from abuse. It is critical to heal the body, mind, and energy body in order to experience lasting health after trauma. Mental health professionals often speak of the long length of time it takes to heal and address PTSD. This is because our dedicated mental health staff have not had access to quantum physics training. It is the missing piece in the American mental health system. Therefore, it is vital that we as a species become aware of this component and utilize this new knowledge as we heal ourselves and move forward in this millennium.