So, What Is Love Anyway?

We are taught as children that princesses who find prince charming live happily ever after. We are socialized from a young age to believe that is our ultimate goal. There are many forms of love and it exists around us all the time. Let's take a closer look.

Love just is. It is always around you and can be accessed at any time by being conscious and using your breath. You. Are. Love. Everything on earth was made out of love, or soul essence.

The second aspect of love is self love. In this instance, one “fills their own cup”. You are your own  source of nurture, fun, safety, security, happiness, and love. This is the ultimate goal. To be full of love within yourself.

The third strand of love involves a partner. In this instance, your partner loves you in a matter that makes your cup overflow because you are already full of love from yourself. Those that do not fill themselves can fall prey to codependency in relationships. A codependent relationship is not love but rather one person that is dependent and the other that manipulates and controls. It is not a healthy relationship and true harmony cannot exist. The sign of a healthy relationship is two independent beings working cooperatively. 

Another sense of love is that between a parent and a child. There are some genetic and ancestral elements that come into play as the new parent experiences unconditional love and protection almost instantly. This occurrence is, of course, crucial in a newborn’s life. 

Love is all around you all the time. One does not need a partner to experience love nor should they use a partner to “fill their cup” Try the mantras below. It may take a few times but the feeling, that sense, will emerge. 



I am love. Love is boundless. Timeless. It is all around me all the time. It does not have to be connected to a person, place, or event. It just is.  Breathe it in and breathe out. Repeat.

Self and Partner Love

Source is love. I am source.  So I am love. My life does not depend on reciprocated love because I am love. To love another is to care without attachment because you are love already. Partner love is when two people that love themselves share their love and magnify it.
