To fill yourself is to recognize the divinity within. We are all made up of soul energy within a human body. Some people call the soul source energy, divinity, or God. Whichever term you prefer, we are all made up of divine source energy which is love. Therefore, we ALL have love within. When we feel fear or other emotions it is often the human ego. In fact, we hear thoughts in our head that we feel are true but in fact it is the human ego. One can tell the difference in the way they sound. Meaning, ego is often fear based. Thus, if a thought is fear based one would know it is most likely the ego. To clarify, if a lion is chasing you and your mind registers fear that is different. In this instance, I am referring to general interactions with people and life circumstances. The intention of all the souls here is to grow and evolve by overcoming the human ego, filling themselves up with the divine love they have within, and sharing love with others. Therefore, the concept within these blog pages to be your own source of love, joy, attention, safety, and security to overcome narcissist abuse should be applied to all souls on earth as it is the overall goal.