6 Part Series: How to Reclaim Your Life
The purpose of this series is to provide an opportunity to reflect on your life and ideas on how to reclaim it. Please search the blog for other parts in the series.
Part 6: Speak and Live Your Truth
Most folks think they speak and live their truth. I did. However, many people-including those recovering from emotional and verbal abuse -do not realize they have NOT been speaking or living their truth because they have either been gaslighted, pressured to conform to societal norms, or have acted a certain way to be liked because they look to others for fulfillment. Stop this trend now and know and live your truth.
So, how do you know if you are or are not living your truth? This is a great question. For those that have spent decades NOT living their truth it has become such a part of who they are that they are not conscious of it. It is important in this process that you become conscious and aware of your thoughts and feelings so you can identify them.
To live one’s truth is to follow your heart energy. What does your heart want you to do? Do you know? Have you listened to it? If you are unsure, stop reading now and write a list of your heart’s desires. It is important you are honest and let your heart energy flow; become nsync with your heart energy because this is your truth. Next, stop the negative thoughts. I can hear you now “I cannot write this on the list because it is unrealistic” or “People will think I am weird if I want to do this”. Stop limiting your heart energy!!! YOU are limiting yourself with your own thoughts and by allowing others to gaslight and pressure you. Therefore, it is on YOU to stop it. Live. Your. Truth. Always. No matter what. I know it is scary at first. I used to be given the derogatory nickname “bunny” because I was so meek, afraid, and powerless in addition to being severely codependent. I did not leave the house by myself-with the exception of work-for 15 years. I am well aware of the fear related to living one’s truth and the reaction of others. TRUST ME, your life will change forever when you fill yourself and live your truth. When you follow your heart energy and live your truth you become filled with joy and happiness. AND it comes from YOU! I believe in you. Now is the time for you to believe in yourself!
If you did not stop and do the exercise above, do so now. What does your heart want to do? Make a list and put it in a frame next to your bed. It is OK if you cannot tackle the list today. How about tomorrow? You do not feel ready tomorrow? Ok, then put it on your calendar for next week and make sure you take care of yourself the night before so you can take the next step. Hold yourself accountable. You are the creator of your own destiny. Now live it!