6 Part Series: How to Reclaim Your Life
The purpose of this series is to provide an opportunity to reflect on your life and ideas on how to reclaim it. Please search the blog for other parts in the series.
Part 5: Discover and Develop Your Passion
As we have discussed in previous posts, to reclaim your life you must fill yourself. Therefore, the concept of discovering and developing your passion is a must for the process to continue. How do you fill yourself if you do not know what your passion is? Good question. Let’s reflect together on this concept for a moment.
In many instances, those that do not fill themselves often fill others and then wonder why they feel tired and depleted. Why? Simply put, you are not filling yourself and are thus not in sync with your truth. When a person is in sync with their truth, they feel joy and happiness. Therefore, joy and happiness comes from filling oneself.
How does one discover and develop their passion? You try new things. For example, a family member shares that they have a new plant app and the next day you go to the store and buy 3 plants, name them, and fill in the app. As a result, you discover that you become filled with joy as you tend the plants and watch them grow. This lends itself to the next step which is following plant experts on YouTube and joining a plant addict group on Facebook. Before you know it, you have discovered and developed a new passion! Incidentally, horticulture therapy is a great resource for those with chronic PTSD.
Make a list of new things you would like to try out. If you are unsure, google, go on Pinterest, or talk to a friend. As you work through the list, enjoy the process of discovering something new and all of the opportunities that occur as a result. Please make sure you take a moment to reflect on what joy and passion feels like when it comes from yourself so you can recognize and continue to build these feelings in the future.