Love bombing. Two words that are a significant part of the narcissist’s play book and many of them are experts at it; especially when used to hoover victims back in. Do NOT get caught in this endless loop. Let’s take a closer look at this phenomenon.
So what is it? Love bombing is when a narcissist showers you with love, attention, and gifts. There are many avenues at their disposal including; an expensive gift you had your eye on, excessive praise, telling you they love you constantly, and what I call ‘princess-level’ attention(they may even call you princess for an added touch). In this instance, the narcissist looks like the perfect partner, parent, or friend. In fact, they will tell you this often and share any time another person makes a similar comment to reinforce the perfection. It isn’t perfection but rather a sophisticated manipulation technique to keep you hooked so they may use you for narcissistic supply. Do not get caught in this trap!
Why does love bombing work? It is an effective strategy used over and over because the victim thinks they need the narcissist to be happy. The victim feels happiness when they receive love, attention, and glory from the narcissist because they are not their own source. In this instance, the narcissist has you under control because you will always respond to more. The victim has been conditioned to think that they can only get happiness from the narcissist. As soon as an individual fills themselves, they are no longer food for the narcissist(and when I say food I literally mean they suck the life force out of you which can lead to long term illness). Stop the cycle. Fill. Your. Self!