Does The Narcissist Use Sex To Claim You?


Let’s talk about sex and narcissism for a moment. This is such a taboo topic for people which unfortunately allows a narcissist to continue their sexually abusive behavior because no one knows about it! There are many pieces to this topic but today we are going to focus on the claiming piece.

Does your partner claim you through sex? Sit with this question for a moment and be honest with yourself. Are there examples of your sexual partner attempting to claim you, as if they own you-like a piece of property- through sex? This next question is a little harder so sit with it for a moment. Do you allow, or even like it, when they claim you? I am not going to get into the weeds here with the motley crue of sexual preferences and desires in our culture. That is not the point of this post. The intention is for you to THINK ABOUT how sex has been used in your life in a psychologically inappropriate manner. AND! How damaging that is to you. I am not here to suggest abstinence-I’m not that crazy!-or how you should live your sexual life. What I am suggesting is to do it from a full and healthy state of being so that you are not manipulated or sexually abused. This is serious business. Stop and think about it. 
