Your Wealth Is Yourself


The concept of wealth can be a tricky one because many of us have issues surrounding this concept. Today, I would like to add a twist. Here it is. No matter how much money you have, your wealth is yourself. 

I can hear many of you now listing off your debts and daily financial challenges. I know this because I have done it for decades. Let’s be real here. Yes, financial challenges and debts are real. Financial stress is real. Truth. What I am challenging you to do today is to pause and think about how you think about wealth.

No matter your circumstances, if you fill yourself and are a complete person, your wealth is yourself. You are the key to unlocking your financial struggles so invest in YOU. What does that mean, to invest in yourself? It means that one must honor their needs and wants individually and fill them. Thereby ensuring a full and complete person that; sends positive energy into the universe, solves financial challenges, and attracts financial opportunities. When a soul is complete and full, they send out a healthy/positive/complete vibe. The soul does not send out a message to the universe from a place of lack. The universe then responds in kind. It is important to realize that your real money maker is a whole/full/complete self. Therefore, your true wealth and ability to make money-your wealth-is yourself. 
